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Thanksgiving is coming at the right time. On campus, every few weeks we get a new bulletin from the state...

Boards Gone Wild

This story is both shocking, and not. At one level, it's absurd. The Board of Trustees at the College of...

Ask the Administrator: Institutional Research

An occasional correspondent writes: Let's say you get a piece of paper with a report, pie chart, etc.on it that...

Open Postcards

I'm behind on my open correspondence, and busy enough to know that I can't really do justice to all of...

Harder Than It Looks

An alert reader sent me a link to this story from the Times. It's a quick-and-dirty overview of non-credit job...

Ask the Administrator: Time to Step Down?

A department chair at a SLAC writes: I have served two [three-year] terms as department chair, and no one has...

Ask the Administrator: If You Could Build a System...

An Australian correspondent writes: I n Australia we're hearing about the benefits to students of being taught by Faculty who...

Ask the Administrator: Selling the New Dean on an Idea

A new correspondent writes: I'm a postdoc at a big research university. We have a confluence of events at our...