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When a Workplace Skips a Generation

There's a fairly wide, if shallow, literature out there on different generations in the workplace. It's often fun to read...

Ask the Administrator: Perceptions of Online Graduate Degrees

A new correspondent writes: I am two years into the four year tenure process at my community college after having...

The Bright Side of Economic Freefall

As the soufflé of an overleveraged economy collapses, it's easy to focus on the negative. I spent most of December...

Ask the Administrator: The Book or the Grant?

A new correspondent in a humanistic discipline writes: I'm now three semesters into a permanent position at a lower-mid-range research...

When Professors Vanish

This is one of the parts of the job for which you're never really trained. Every so often, usually around...

Ask the Administrator: Union Work as CV Stain?

A slightly nervous correspondent writes: I'm a grad student in a humanities discipline at a public university, and I'm set...

The Uses of Students

A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with a contact at a respected private university. We discussed the...

Back in the Saddle Again

Christmas break was glorious, if a bit too short. After about a week of waking up at a civilized hour...