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Early Retirement Incentives

This story in IHE came along at the right moment. My state is apparently considering an early retirement program for...

Ask the Administrator: Pinch Hitting

A brave-or-foolhardy correspondent writes: I am junior, recently tenured faculty at Average Community College. My mentor is having serious health...

Privacy and Diversity

Every so often, I'll hear some longtime employees complain that the newer cohort (of which they still consider me a...

Assessment as Marketing

In a conversation last week with a big muckety-muck, I realized that there are two fundamentally different, and largely opposed...

The Toxic Workplace Test

I've come up with a one-question quiz to determine whether your workplace is toxic. 1. When Smith attacks Jones in...

When Documentation Fails

I've been following the Bill Reader case with interest for the last few weeks. (For the record, I don't know...

Allocating Positions

It may seem weird for me to ask this now, after all these years, but how does your college allocate...

Tick Tock

Last night I took The Girl to the local Father-Daughter dance, which is a big event for girls here in...