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Staying Connected

Keeping students, colleagues and our teams engaged is not impossible during this time, but it requires intentionality.

$2,000 Won’t Make You a Thought Leader

A well-developed media profile requires strategy and time.

This Is the Way

Lessons from Disney+ on virtual engagement.

We’re Measuring Social Media Wrong

Why followers and engagement rate don’t matter, and how marketers should measure social media to better reflect campus priorities.

Engagement Is a Process, Not an Event

Virtual platforms have transformed recruitment for the better.

Digital Transformation in University Communications and Marketing

Now is the time for university communicators to fully leap ahead into digital-first practices, because too much is at risk.

Throw Out the Old Recipe

The future of enrollment marketing requires fresh ingredients.

From the Rise of the CMO to the Reach of the CMO

The rise of the higher ed CMO may have flattened, but the reach of the CMO’s influence is going to grow.