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  • The Wall Street Journal, quoting anonymous sources, is reporting this morning that Lawrence H. Summers will resign as president of Harvard University this week. Support for Summers on the Harvard Corporation, the university's top board, has eroded amid a new round of controversies, The Journal reported.
  • In the continuing debate over images of Muhammad, both The Dartmouth Review and The Dartmouth Free Press -- Dartmouth College publications on opposite ends of the political spectrum -- published images prompted by the controversy over cartoons that first appeared in Denmark. While most American newspapers have avoided images of the Muslim prophet, several college papers have published the cartoons or other images that have upset some Muslim students. Also last week, a University of Chicago dormitory resident posted a cartoon with the note "Mo' Muhammad, Mo' Problems" on his suite door, but removed it after complaints were raised.
  • U.S. officials want to open scholarly access to the millions of documents in the International Tracing Service, in Bad Arolsen, Germany, but the Red Cross and the German governments are opposing the move, The New York Times reported. The documents are detailed records kept by Nazi officials running concentration camps and since the war they have been used primarily to help survivors find lost family members or to find out their fates. The U.S. position is that the records' value has shifted to scholars at this point, but the Red Cross and German and Italian governments say that release of the records would create privacy concerns because of the detailed (and frequently false) statements by Nazis in the records.
  • Swarthmore College has announced that it will no longer sell bottled Coca-Cola products, in response to a growing student movement to boycott the company over allegations that it mistreats its foreign workers -- allegations that Coke strongly denies. Swarthmore will continue to sell fountain-style Coke drinks because a contract covering such sales is in effect until the end of 2007, but the college said that renewal would depend on the company's response to the concerns raised about its practices.

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