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  • The University of Washington has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit in which faculty members charged that the institution illegally skipped pay raises in 2002-3, even for professors receiving good performance reviews. A fund of more than $17 million will be used for the pay raises and interest for eligible professors, and for legal fees. In October a state judge ruled that the raises had been codified in the faculty handbook in a way that was legally binding on the university. At the time, university officials said that they might appeal.
  • The University of Miami announced Thursday that it would increase the wages of some of its lowest paid employees -- such as janitors and groundskeepers -- as much as 25 percent above current levels, which in some cases match the state minimum wage, The Miami Herald reported. But a union, which has organized a strike of some of those employees, plans to continue its walkoff because of non-wage disputes with the company that manages the employees for Miami.
  • An administrative judge in California has ruled that a state agency broke its own regulations in restricting the operations of the Brooks Institute of Photography, Career Education Corp., which owns the Brooks campus, said in a news release Thursday. California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, which regulates for-profit colleges, concluded in July that Brooks had willfully misled applicants and barred it from enrolling new students. But Brooks sued, and its officials declared Judge Julie Cabos-Owen's decision a "victory." The decision was not available and officials at the California agency could not be reached for comment.
  • More than 40 members of Congress announced Thursday that they are sponsoring a resolution calling on the U.S. Education Department to withdraw changes it made a year ago in the regulations governing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The changes make it easier for colleges to use surveys of student interest to show that they are in compliance with the law, which requires them to provide equal athletic opportunities to male and female students. Advocates for women's sports argue that such surveys are inaccurate and fail to meet legal requirements.
  • The University of Toledo and the Medical University of Ohio will soon merge, under legislation passed by the Ohio General Assembly that Gov. Robert Taft is expected to sign.
  • San Francisco State University has released a report that found no evidence that a black professor who was arrested there in October was a victim of racial profiling. Many minority students and faculty members complained after the professor's arrest that racial profiling was widespread.
  • Business is booming for those fertility companies that recruit female college students to sell their eggs, USA Today reported. Women with high SAT scores are being offered as much as $10,000, the newspaper said.
  • Fifty colleges and universities have nondiscrimination policies that cover gender identity and nearly half of these protections were adopted in 2005, according to a study released Thursday by the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition.

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