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  • Ohio University's Russ College of Engineering has confirmed at least 30 cases of "verbatim plagiarism" by graduates of the college's mechanical engineering department, based on accusations raised last year by another former student. The dean of the college, Dennis Irwin, said Tuesday that a preliminary report from a faculty investigative committee had found evidence of plagiarism in many of the 44 master's theses that Thomas A. Matrka had brought to the attention of college officials. Irwin said the committee's final report -- which is due by week's end -- would include recommendations for punishment that would in some cases include revocation of the master's degrees if the plagiarists do not resubmit their theses. Matrka accused college officials of not taking his charges seriously and said that faculty members had looked the other way; Irwin said Tuesday that the committee's findings do not suggest that professors condoned the plagiarism.
  • The U.S. Commerce Department has extended Educause's management of the ".edu" domain through 2011. The association's initial contract to manage the domain expires this year.
  • Three finalists for the presidency of the University of Wyoming have withdrawn, leaving the future of the search uncertain, the Associated Press reported.

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