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  • Lawyers for Duke University lacrosse players said Monday that DNA tests demonstrated that their clients did not rape a stripper hired to perform at a party last month, the Associated Press reported. The athletes have repeatedly denied that they raped the stripper -- although other details about events that night have angered many at Duke and elsewhere, creating a growing scandal for the university. A brief statement released by Duke Monday expressed confidence that the police investigation "will ultimately reveal the truth."
  • A survey of college students who fled New Orleans institutions because of Hurricane Katrina found that many experienced significant levels of stress and distress after the evacuation. The survey also found that most students had many positive experiences at the institutions at which they enrolled last semester, while their home institutions were closed, and that most planned to return to their New Orleans colleges. The study was prepared for presentation at the Southern Sociological Society.
  • A sorority for Muslim students is founding chapters at a growing number of colleges, USA Today reported.
  • Thirty students at Beloit College, in Wisconsin, believe they have created a new world record in Ultimate Frisbee by playing continuously for 72 hours and 10 minutes, the AP reported.

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