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  • The University of Cincinnati on Wednesday announced that UGS Corp. is donating software and services with a value of $289 million to the institution. The grant will be used by engineering students and faculty members in a variety of programs.
  • Following months of controversy, the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota, has issued a detailed policy barring unmarried faculty members from sharing rooms with others when they travel with students. Faculty members leading students in travel represent the institution and so should reflect its Roman Catholic values, said the statement. The issue has been a hot topic at St. Thomas for months, since the university barred the interim choir director from taking her lesbian partner and their son on a class trip to France. The policy as outlined in detail applies regardless of the gender of a faculty member or his/her potential roommate.
  • Margaret Spellings, the secretary of education, has appointed Charles Greene as the new executive director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Until his appointment, Greene has served as an aide to Rep. Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican.
  • John Neal, who suddenly quit as president of Maryville University, will not face rape charges, St. Louis prosecutors told local reporters, according to the Associated Press. While law enforcement officials indicated that there was an "occurence" between Neal and a 23-year-old woman who said he raped her, they indicated that there was no evidence of crime. The AP indicated that police used the woman's computer to send and receive e-mail from Neal, who indicated that he had made a mistake in his relations with the woman, but did not rape her.
  • Lebanon Valley College, in Pennsylvania, announced Wednesday that it would no longer require applicants to submit SAT scores. College officials said that they found that high school grades more accurately predict college success.

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