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  • A male Stanford University professor, who used to be a woman, has offered an unusual perspective on the debates over women in science, in the new issue of the journal Nature. Ben Barres, a professor of neurobiology, writes that he has been treated better as a man than as a woman by fellow scientists, and suggests that his experience documents the extent of sexism within science.
  • Lance Brauman was convicted by a federal jury in Kansas Wednesday of embezzlement, theft and mail fraud while he was a coach at Barton County Community College, the Associated Press reported. After the convictions, he quit his current position as assistant track coach at the University of Arkansas. The conviction is the latest development in a scandal at Barton County over inappropriate payments and help for athletes.
  • A California appeals court has found that the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District must comply with state requirements related to traffic needs before undertaking major construction projects. The ruling reverses a lower court's decision that had given the district permission to proceed on some projects without fully developing the kind of traffic plan that would have otherwise been required.
  • The National Science Foundation has released new data showing how the enrollment of foreign students fell in 2004. The data are largely outdated, as seen in an earlier analysis of trends since 2004, released by the Council of Graduate Schools.
  • English professors at San Jose State University have announced the 2006 winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, which is named for Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton, a Victorian novelist, and which goes to the worst opening sentence to an imaginary novel. This year's winner starts off: "Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open...."

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