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  • Eastern Oregon University has placed Robert Davis, director of undergraduate studies, on leave after a professor and a student filed suits charging that he raped them at a conference in Atlanta, the Associated Press reported. The women charge that they were raped on successive nights in a similar way, in which they were unconcious and woke up being overpowered by Davis. A lawyer for Davis said that the charges were untrue.
  • Texas Southern University, facing a large budget deficit, on Friday announced the elimination of 178 jobs, The Houston Chronicle reported. The 67 faculty jobs included are all temporary positions.
  • Community College of Allegheny County and Carnegie Mellon University have shuttered their  joint, federally funded cybersecurity program aimed at helping other community colleges prepare workers, citing low enrollments and other problems, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Sunday. The program, which the newspaper said the Defense Department had supported with $2 million in grants, was one of many that cropped up in the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, as colleges sought to tap into the budget bonanza created by the frenzy over homeland security.
  • Elizabethtown College on Friday announced that it had fired David Eller, who had been chair of religious studies and director of the college's Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies. Eller is in jail, on charges of arranging a sexual encounter with someone he thought was a 12-year-old girl. He was arrested following a police sting operation. In a statement from the college, President Theodore E. Long said that Eller "can no longer serve the college with integrity or effectiveness."
  • Most students who drink use one or more "protective strategies" that minimize the chances of hurting themselves or others, according to an analysis by the National Social Norms Resource Center. Such strategies include having a designated driver, alternating alcoholic with non-alcoholic drinks, eating before or while drinking, pacing drinks, or asking a friend to monitor one's consumption.
  • Although the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has not led to any violence in Jerusalem, Brigham Young University announced Friday that it would not send students to its center there this fall. The university said it hoped to resume its Jerusalem program in the future.
  • The Auburn University professor at the center of a scandal over allegations of academic favoritism for athletes is denying any wrongdoing, The Huntsville Times reported. The New York Times broke the story that Tom Petee, chair of sociology, taught 152 independent study courses to athletes, with many of them earning very high grades. Petee says that the issue isn't athletics, but how professors try to respond to student demand for courses.
  • A Senegalese teenager whose case has been used to promote the cause of students who cannot obtain visas to study in the United States was approved for such a visa on Friday, The New York Times reported.

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