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  • The Education Department published interim final regulations in the Federal Register Wednesday to carry out changes in the student loan and other programs that were enacted as part of the Higher Education Reconciliation Act that President Bush signed in February. The department asked those who wish to comment on the regulations to do so by September 8.
  • The Career Education Corporation said in a federal filing Wednesday that it had won approval from the U.S. Education Department to open campuses of the International Academy of Design and Technology in Sacramento and San Antonio that are eligible to award federal financial aid. The department's freeze on new Career Education campuses or programs remains in place pending completion of an inquiry into the some of the company's financial aid practices, but the design campuses were approved because the applications were already in process at the time of the freeze, company officials said.
  • Voters in Michigan rejected tax increases that would have provided about $1.3 million in additional funds annually for Southwestern Michigan College but approved a tax increase that is expected to generate another $4.4 million a year for Lake Michigan College, the Kalamazoo Gazette reported.
  • Three of the 11 Egyptians who failed to show up on the Montana State University campus for an exchange program despite arriving in the United States on student visas last month have turned themselves in, federal law enforcement authorities told the Associated Press. One student was arrested in Minnesota, and the other two turned themselves in in New Jersey, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said. The other six students have joined the program at Montana State, where Norm Peterson, the vice president for international programs, said they were "doing fine under the circumstances."

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