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  • The British government announced plans Monday to create a new fellowship program, to be modeled on Rhodes Scholarships, to attract the best science talent from around the world to work in Britain. Alistair Darling, the secretary of trade and industry, announced the new fellowships in a speech in which he noted the increasingly international competition for scientists. He also said that some American policies create openings for British science. "The U.S. government has blocked federal funding for stem cell research. It may not be welcome there but stem cell research is welcome in the U.K.," he said.
  • A change that the U.S. Education Department announced Friday in how colleges can define the "academic year" in determining whether students are eligible for two new federal grant programs will allow Utah State University to again award grants to about 70 of the 150 students to whom awards were given and then stripped last summer, university officials estimated. Steve Sharp, Utah State's associate director of financial aid, said in an e-mail message Monday that "amazingly enough," the change in the department's policy could be attributed in part to the "direct efforts" of Utah State students in complaining about their lost grants. "A real civics lesson," he wrote.
  • Research presented at the annual meeting of the Obesity Society suggests that college freshmen don't gain as much weight as is commonly believed (it should be called the "freshman 8," not the freshman 15"), USA Today reported. But the research says that overeating continues past freshman year, resulting for many in poor diet patterns that extend past college.
  • Up to 75 percent of college students have at least one risk factor for Hepatitis C, and relatively few of them are aware of their risks, according to data released at the American College of Gastroenterology and reported by Infection Control Today. The most common risk factor was sharing pierced jewelry.
  • Twenty-four people were in a dormitory elevator at Ohio State University Friday night when it started descending without closing its doors and killed a freshman who was pinned while trying to slip out, the Associated Press reported. The students in the elevator probably exceeded the weigh capacity for the elevator by more than 1,000 pounds, a fire official told the AP.

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