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  • College Republicans on several campuses have been angering Latino groups with "illegal immigrant hunts" and similar political theater. At Boise State University, the Republican group is promoting a lecture on immigration in a different way -- but one that is also offending students. The Idaho Daily Statesman reported that the group is promising a "food stamp drawing," and that to enter, one must climb through a hole in a fence and offer a fake ID. The prize is a dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The Republicans at Boise State issued a statement that they are not racist and were just trying to use humor to attract attention to their event.
  • Three weeks after a fire in off-campus housing killed two Boston University students, another fire killed a student a few blocks away, The Boston Globe reported. The fire on Friday killed a student at Bloomsburg University, who was visiting friends from high school. About a dozen Boston students were displaced by the latest fire.
  • Peter Smith has resigned the top education position at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, charging that the group did not take seriously enough a death threat against him and that some at UNESCO were undermining his reform efforts, the Associated Press reported. Smith, former president of California State University at Monterey Bay, has been pushing for reforms of UNESCO, which has been much criticized by U.S. officials over the years as being inefficient and anti-American. According to the AP, an audit is about to be released criticizing some of Smith's management decisions, and he viewed the audit as an effort to undercut him.
  • Jessica Bryan, a composition instructor whose classroom rhetoric at North Idaho College has caused controversy, has received threatening notes and e-mail, prompting local authorities to seek help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Bonner County Daily Bee reported. Bryan has been in the news because of reports that she said things in class like "Republicans should be executed" -- statements that she said were not intended literally, but as a means to encourage class discussion and writing.
  • An article in The Jackson Clarion-Ledger details an increasingly bitter dispute between the Mississippi University for Women and its alumni group. Both sides accuse the other of endangering key values and the alumni group last week took out a full-page ad in the newspaper to draw attention to the fight.
  • Eastern Washington University fired Darren Hamilton as athletics director late Thursday, less than a year into his contract, amid reports of two sexual harassment complaints against him (which he denied) and alleged disputes within the department, The Spokesman Review reported. Hamilton had been in the job less than seven months.
  • Britain's universities are moving ahead with a controversial program in which applicants will be asked for the first time whether their parents are university graduates, with the goal of recruiting and enrolling more first-generation and working class students, The Times reported. While British universities have been criticized for not doing enough to enroll such students, the move is being criticized as "social engineering" that will be unfair to some whose parents are university graduates.

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