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  • Andrew J. Bacevich is a Vietnam veteran and a professor who teaches history and international relations at Boston University, a background that has led him to be a vocal critic of the war in Iraq and the Bush administration's foreign policy. The Boston Globe reported that he learned this week that his son and namesake -- a first lieutenant -- was killed from wounds suffered in a bomb explosion.
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday announced a plan to sell EdFund, the state's student loan agency, for up to $1 billion, The Sacramento Bee reported. The governor says they money will help close a state deficit, but critics say that the plan would decrease oversight at a time that national scandals demonstrate the need for more scrutiny of student loan programs.
  • Reginald Collins is demanding that Jackson Community College, in Michigan, readmit him. The Jackson Citizen Patriot reported that Collins was expelled after comments (the exact nature of which are in dispute) in which he is accused of defending the actions of the Virginia Tech killer. Local police and mental health officials determined that Collins did not pose a threat to himself or others, leading to his request to re-enroll. College officials said that they could not discuss their handling of the case because of confidentiality rules.
  • When Todd McCorkle quit as women's golf coach at the University of Georgia last week, the official announcement said that he was leaving for "personal reasons" and would remain on the university's athletic staff in another (not revealed) capacity. An article in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, however, detailed harassment charges he faced -- allegations that led the university to suspend him without pay for July and to undergo anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training. According to records obtained by the newspaper, McCorkle made numerous lewd remarks to players, and a player's father informed the university. McCorkle did not respond to requests for comment, but told the university investigators that he had not harassed anyone and that his comments were being "overblown."
  • Tri-State University, in Indiana, announced Friday that it would be changing its name and in a yet-to-be-announced way, including "Trine" in the university's name, following a gift from Ralph and Sheri Trine. The size of the gift was not announced, but it was described as the largest ever to the university.
  • Peidong Yang, a chemist at the University of California at Berkeley, has been selected by the National Science Foundation for the 2007 Alan T. Waterman Award, which honors an outstanding young scientist in any field recognized by the agency. The NSF said that Yang, an expert in nanotechnology, has "pioneered research on nanowires, strings of atoms that show promise for a range of high-technology devices, from tiny lasers and computer circuits to inexpensive solar panels and biological sensors." The award carries a $500,000 prize.

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