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  • Sunil Chand was ousted as president of the College of DuPage Tuesday, with no advance notice to the public or information on why the board wanted him out, The Daily Herald reported. The newspaper noted that Chand had been named president of the Illinois community college after a previous unexplained ouster of a president.
  • Canadian immigration policy favors those with a higher education, and the result is that white Canadians now are behind most other groups in the country when it comes to educational attainment, according to new research reported by the CanWest News Service. According to new data, only 25.9 percent of white Canadians have a university degree. The figures for some other other groups: black Canadians (30.1 percent), South Asians (47.4 percent), Japanese Canadians (48.5 percent), Arab Canadians (51.6 percent), Chinese Canadians (58.4 percent), Filipino Canadians (58.6 percent), and in the top spot Korean Canadians (74.7 percent).
  • An administrative law judge in Alabama ruled Tuesday that the Department of Postsecondary Education violated the state's Fair Dismissal Act when it fired the president of Southern Union State Community College in January, the Associated Press reported. State officials cited "extraordinarily poor management" and apparent violations of bid law in dismissing Susan Salatto, but the judge ruled that she had been entitled to notice and a hearing before being dismissed. State officials argued that community college presidents are at-will employees who are not subject to the law.
  • The College of Lake County's board voted Tuesday to arm the two-year institution's 14 police officers with guns and turn its safety force into a police department, the Chicago Tribune reported. Officers at the suburban community college have attended police academies and received weapons training for years but have been unable to carry guns.

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