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I recently had the opportunity to suggest a marketing/promotional give-away item for use by our engineering department. The idea was that if the promo item was clearly sustainable in nature, and was imprinted with a Greenback U logo, then it would deliver two strong messages for the price of one.

Searching on the web, I quickly found a “green” hand-held electronic calculator from Canon. How can an electronic gadget be sustainable? Well, it turns out that this one is not only solar and mercury-free, it’s made entirely from recycled bits of old photocopiers! The price was even semi-reasonable, so what was not to like?

Well, it turns out that what’s not to like is the fact that Canon doesn’t sell these things in the USA. Europe, yes. Canada, sure. But not the USA. Seems like they don’t think “green” is as strong a marketing ploy in this country as in some others. I guess we’ll just have to change their minds.

But in the meantime, if you have any suggestions, please email me.

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