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One of the added benefits (for me, anyway) of revealing my real name is being able to share other published work. I'm having a good year so far, with short stories and essays forthcoming in War, Literature & the Arts; Perigee; Monkey Bicycle; Juked, and elsewhere. I'll link as they come available, for those who might be interested.

Here's a poem from last year in War, Literature & the Arts, one of my favorite literary journals. It's published at the U.S. Air Force Academy and includes such luminaries as Philip Caputo, Carolyn Forché, Robert Pinsky, and John Griswold.

The editors write, "The human race needs stories. We need all the experience we can get. Before we made fire, before we made tools, before we made weapons, we made images. Art, at its deepest level, is about preserving the world." Our time needs more art that gazes unflinchingly at conflict, don't you think?

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