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Happy April Fool’s Day, from registered fool number one. Here are three video clips for your amusement. You don't have to be an adjunct to view them, but it helps.

  1. In the third Indiana Jones movie, Sean Connery pops up from a tank hatch after all the usual mayhem and says in his Scots burr, “You call this archaeology?” In the trailer for the fourth movie, there’s another self-referential moment for all you part-time teachers out there. (It’s at the end.)
  2. Sometimes, even if you’re low on the food chain, things work out. (If you have children, they’ll love this short animation.)
  3. And finally, a Master's thesis animation from a former student at The School of Visual Arts in New York City, MFA Computer Art program. I’m not sure what it says about following your dreams, but it's excellent.

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