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'Tis Spring, and an old(er) man's fancy turns to thoughts of ... possible policy changes for the coming academic year.

Greenback University, like many schools, has effectively created a no-drive zone in the middle of campus. Sure, the occasional physical plant employee needs to drive a truck or a golf cart out onto the quad, but by and large, the center of campus is vehicle-free.

I'm wondering if it might not be possible to expand this effectively exhaust-free zone by a block or so in every direction. Allow emissions-free and emergency vehicles (plus truly necessary equipment) only. Encourage physical plant folks to take golf carts, etc., whenever possible. Encourage bicycles and other non-polluting vehicles on the roads nearest the quad, by banning most other vehicles.

The truth of the matter is, while Greenback has some golf carts and similar non-polluting vehicles, they don't get as much use as they could. An exhaust-free zone covering much of the center of campus might be just the incentive needed to get more, and to increase usage. Right now, even with parking difficulties, it's just too easy to drive. Maybe it's time to make it less easy.

Has your school already done this?