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I just read an item that explained how a Nestle bottled water plant in Pennsylvania was awarded LEED Gold certification by USGBC.

That's better than putting up a new bottled water plant that didn't use efficient lighting, divert stormwater or salvage construction waste, but COME ON ... IT'S A BOTTLED WATER PLANT !!!!! There's nothing you can do at the margins of the US bottled water business to make it at all sustainable. The building is only green if you don't look at the fact that it exists in the first place.

Next, I expect to read about some chicken-processing company getting an award for employee benefits innovation because they provide their employees with no-cost prosthetic fingers. Or an explanation of how the Exxon Valdez oil spill really just returned to the environment a small portion of the organic matter which was misplaced all those millions of years ago.