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Gaze into the box:

I had some fun yesterday doing a nearly hour-long interview on my novel with the local NPR affiliate. I don’t exactly have my NPR voice perfected, but brew up a cup of chamomile and sip it while you listen, and you’ll get the idea.

Sometimes, even in writing, it’s necessary to lead by negative example. Granted, I’m in one of my moods after several hard days in the teaching mill, but I think this is spot-on, mate (via Philip Graham).

Speaking of Philip Graham, author of The Moon, Come to Earth: Dispatches from Lisbon and the subject of a recent interview here, he’s taking his book on the road (again). Check here for dates and venues if you live near Iowa City, Champaign, or Chattanooga.

Brian Turner, a poet to watch and another interviewee here, has been blogging for the New York Times as part of the "Home Fires: American Veterans on the Post-War Life" series. He’s currently spending a year traveling around the world, and his posts are getting a lot of attention.

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