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I thought I was hanging on, but midway through today’s lecture I realized I was deluding myself. As PTJ began to do some formulae, I found myself slipping away. By the lecture’s end, he might as well have been using Ukrainian as his language of instruction.

I knew I was starting to get into trouble when I realized that all week long I’d been putting-off the homework that was due today. I finally did it, well eight questions out of nine, during the last couple of minutes before class that I usually reserve for a quick cigarette. But that wasn’t the only clue, there’s also the fact that I’m about 15 pages behind on the reading assignments, and, probably most problematically, that I haven’t returned, as I promised myself I would, to the math review section of the lab manual.


For now, and very much against type, I’ll look on the bright side of this: I’ll get to experience the College Learning Center, the first place I’d send me if I was advising me, which will help me to better advise students who are struggling academically.… nah, that didn’t work. This is the moment when a student has to decide if he’s going to knuckle down, or blow off the whole course. I’ll think about it over a little Strauss, lucky scheduling that tonight’s opera at the Met is Ariadne auf Naxos -- it’s about a crisis of consciousness, too.

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