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Course Name: The Writing of Richard Katz
Instructor: Joshua Kim
Prerequisites: many
Classroom: virtual

Course Overview: In this course we will critically review the writings of Richard Katz. The main goal of the course is to utilize Katz's writings as a lens to synthesize and understand major themes and trends in higher education, technology, and where these two domains intersect. A careful examination of the EDUCAUSE related writings of Richard Katz provides a window into the development and major theoretical and empirical advances associated with the discipline of learning technology. The format of this course focusses on Richard Katz's contributions to the scholarly literature around higher education and technology, and does not address directly (although you can investigate) Richard Katz's organizational leadership roles through multiple positions in higher education and professional organizations.

Course Plan: We will undertake to read all of Katz's writing that are available online at EDUCAUSE site, starting with his 1992 article "Sustaining Excellence in the 21st Century: A Vision & Strategies for College & University Administration" and moving through publications dating from this year. For each article, chapter, or monograph we will discuss the major ideas and assertions of the piece, and endeavor to link these writings to their larger educational and technology context in which they were written. We will pay particular attention to Katz's writing on cloud computing and technologically centered disruptions in the higher education system.

Learning Objectives:

1. Develop an understanding of the evolution of educational technology as a discipline, and be able to situate the development of this field within the historical and social contexts of the changing organization and structure of post-secondary education.

2. Gain insights into ways in which Katz's thinking on higher education and technology evolved over the course of his writing.

3. Demonstrate an ability to provide a critical analysis of Katz's writing as it relates to both shifts in the role of technology in higher education, and evaluate the impact of Katz's writing on shaping the strategic directions of inquiry and investigation of professional organizations related to educational technology.

Course Final Paper: Your final paper should consist of a critical analysis of the range of Katz's writings. You may pick one theme that you want to explore in his written works, for instance leadership, applied research techniques, cloud computing, etc. - or you may choose to tie together these various elements. The goal of your paper is not simply to synthesize Katz's writings, but to be able to articulate how Katz's ideas have evolved and to elucidate common themes and tensions throughout his published work.

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