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Crisis on Campus: A Bold Plan for Reforming Our Colleges and Universities, by Mark C. Taylor


Concise: 221 small pages with big font.

Provocative: Big ideas and insightful critiques of the higher ed labor market, curriculum, organizational structure etc.

Passionate: Taylor is passionate about teaching and learning, and believes that institutions of higher learning must evolve and reform to continue to thrive.


Solutions: Proposed solutions, beyond dismantling tenure (for the non-tenured) do not address fundamental issues of cost and access.

Ahistorical: The current state of higher ed is not placed within an historical context, making analysis of issues and problems less informative.

Economics: The economic aspects of higher ed are not analyzed. Chapter on tuition focusses on "sticker" price, not accounting for true costs of tuition.


Book Club: Great book to a campus book club - will get lots of discussion.

Speaker: I bet Taylor would make a great speaker on campus.

Readable: Book is short and an easy read - good chance that people will read for a discussion.


Elite Bias: Taylor seems to be writing primarily for institutions similar to where he has taught (Williams, Columbia) - failing to address the state of community colleges and other Institutions

For-Profits Excluded: Limited discussion of the role of for-profits in the educational landscape.

Limited Examples: 'Crisis on Campus' would have benefited from more examples of innovative institutions, programs, and leaders in higher education.

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