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How do you manage your To-Do lists?

My wife uses paper and a pen. She is incredibly efficient and accomplishes a huge number of tasks. Drives me crazy. My goal is to be more efficient and productive with my digital To-Do system than my wife with her dead-tree system. Please help.

My current system is to use the "To-Do" function in Basecamp. I have a project called "Josh's Projects and To-Do's." Into the To-Do tab goes everything work related. This includes all meetings, tasks, and projects. This system is working okay, as I can have a single screen view of everything that I have going on, but it involves lots of typing.

Requirements for my Digital To-Do Platform (and why I chose Basecamp for now):

Transparency: I want my colleagues in my team to be able to see what I'm working on. Not that anyone ever checks, but I like the idea that my work life is transparent. They might tell me when I'm doing something dumb, which would be a big help. Everyone on my team has access to this Basecamp project.

Simplicity: I like the To-Do function in Basecamp because it is pretty simple. I add an item - something like: "Mon 11/8 9:00am DCAL team meeting" - and sort the list by what comes next. The most important tasks go on top of the list. Projects are broken into smaller chunks. Meeting and appoints are sequential. Once I have the meeting, or complete the task, it gets checked-off. I can easily go back and look at tasks I've completed, and see what is in front of me.

Where I'd Like to Find a Better Platform Than Basecamp:

Calendar Integration: What I want is my appointments and my To-Do list to be tied together. It is a pain to cut and paste appointment from iCal to Basecamp. Do any of the e-mail / calendaring applications have the option of creating a To-Do entry from a calendar entry? I'm thinking about moving from Apple's Mail application to Outlook 2011 for the Mac - - what do you think? Does Outlook handle To-Do's? Would I be able to achieve transparency and simplicity with this solution? Any other ideas?

Mobile Platforms: Somehow I've been underwhelmed by Basecamp's mobile (iPad / Touch) options. Am I missing something? What digital To-Do list platform would work best for mobile?

How do you handle your To-Do lists?

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