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Are you dreaming of the perfect iPad? Or at least a better iPad, the iPad 2.

The current iPad is an EDU luxury. For students and professors, the current iPad is a great complement to a laptop, but only a complement. Every iPad in existence could currently turn into bricks, and teaching and learning would basically go on undisturbed.

My bet is that the iPad 2 will not fundamentally alter the EDU landscape. The iPad 2 will be thinner, lighter, brighter, faster, and come equipped with a couple of cameras. A more luxurious luxury.

But I'm still excited (can't help myself), and here are the features I hope to see in the iPad 2:

Dedicated Voice-to-Text Chip: Let us all pledge to end the tyranny of the keyboard! Speech-to-text is too important to leave to software. I don't even know if this is better done in hardware than software, or if such a chip even really exists. But I want to be able to talk to my iPad 2 and have it come out as text (in every app).

Rapid Voice-Over-Authoring System: This probably has more to do with an app than the hardware. Not sure how the iPad 2 can best tie together the camera, the microphone, what is on the screen. What I want is the ability to create a fast voice-over presentation to whatever I'm displaying, and then publish the recording to a cloud based publishing platform.

Lighter and Cheaper: The main advantages of the Kindle over the iPad are price ($139 vs $499) and weight (8.7 ounces vs. 24 ounces). The iPad is too heavy for sustained reading, and too expensive to qualify as standard equipment for learners (or educators). Apple should ruthlessly push prices down, and make its money selling apps.

What's on your iPad 2 EDU wish list?

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