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"Google Inc. is talking with educational-software companies to help build a marketplace for online learning programs, an industry whose value may approach $5 billion this year."

--From The Boston Globe, 12/29/10

"Google Apps Marketplace helps students’ minds thrive in the cloud"

"We started the Google Apps Marketplace with the goal of helping businesses find even more value in the cloud. Universities and schools are also moving aggressively into cloud computing for both internal infrastructure applications and apps for students. We have seen excellent uptake by education edition users of a wide range of apps, including Aviary, Manymoon, SlideRocket, SurveyMonkey, TripIt, OffiSync, and Sherpatools, just to name a few."

--From the Official Google Enterprise Blog (9/28/10):

Sounds promising, right?

So I went and checked out the Google Apps Marketplace. Education does not seem to even be a category. I couldn't find anything really interesting for higher ed.

The closet I could find is "Grockit", which bills itself as "a social platform for learning that provides students with collaborative real-time study rooms and content aligned to K 7-12 curriculum and college entrance exams". Okay, not higher ed, but it seems like the platform could eventually be relevant to teaching, learning and test prep for college students.

Can you find other (any) higher ed relevant Google Apps in the Marketplace?

Is this the best that Google can do in higher ed? I agree with the Boston Globe, that education is a critical market for Google going forward.

From what I can see, however, the Google Apps Marketplace approach is pretty lame.

Am I missing something here?

When will Google get serious about higher education?

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