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1. Who is doing comparative research on the for-profit educational sector and the professionals who work in this industry?
2. Where can we find research on the for-profit educational sector that is unbiased and peer reviewed?
3. What researchers or institutions are conducting research on the for-profit education sector that presents balanced views of both the positives and negatives of this growing sector?
4. What can this research on for-profits teach us about the changing landscape of higher ed?
5. What can this research on for-profits teach us about improving the quality and affordability of all sectors of the postsecondary education market, including public and private non-profit institutions?
6. What is life like for a professor at a for-profit university?
7. How does an academic career at a for-profit resemble and differ from a career at a traditional nonprofit?
8. Does a full-time faculty position for a for-profit include research and service, or is it all about teaching?
9. Assuming that tenure is not a part of the picture of a for-profit professor (is this correct?), what sort of academic freedom and protection do for-profit full-time faculty enjoy?
10. Is a for-profit academic career a viable alternative for a new PhD?
11. How many full-time, teaching gigs exist at for-profits? How does this number compare to nonprofits?
12. How is the employment picture for full-time professors at for-profits changing?
13. What proportion of full-time faculty at for-profits have PhDs?
14. Is there a career path from part-time, adjunct faculty to full-time faculty at a for-profit?
15. What are the proportions for part-timers vs. full-timers across non-profits and for-profits?
16. What opportunities or forums or places exist for people who work in the non-profit and for-profit sectors to come together and honestly discuss what we are doing, and what we can learn from each other?
17. How would we rank for-profits in terms of quality and value for the money from a student perspective? Does such a ranking exist?
18. How would we compare and contrast the quality of non-profits with for-profits? Do such comparisons exist?
19. Who would be interested in research on the for-profit education sector, and why?
20. What are your questions about for-profit higher education?

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