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Reading the Horizon Report always gets the creative ed tech juices flowing. The "Time-to-Adoption" forecasts in the 2011 Horizon Report are: e-books and mobile learning (1 year or less), augmented reality and game-based learning (2 to 3 years), and gesture-based computing and learning analytics (4 to 5 years).

A slightly different frame to look over the "ed tech horizon" would be to ask: "What technologies must we have running in 'production' on campus by 2014 in order not to fall behind?" I picked 2014 as I'll be well into campus tours with my oldest daughter, and we will be asking: "So, what is your adoption of technology X?". 3 years also seems like the amount of time it takes to get any new technology or technology based service fully into production on our campuses.

Campus Ed Tech 'Must Haves' by 2014:

Lecture Capture in Every Medium to Large Lecture Classroom:

Classroom based lecture capture systems will become as ubiquitous and expected as overhead projectors and classroom computers. Students will expect that they will be able to review parts of the class presentation that were confusing or difficult to master. Class recordings for medium to large lecture based classes will be automatically published to the LMS. The lecture format for medium to large classes will not go away, mainly for money reasons, but the availability of captured lectures will improve the learning yield from this format.

All Curriculum Available On Mobile Devices:

Today, we expect that course readings and video is available via the browser, usually through the LMS. By 2014, all readings and video will also be available for the full range of mobile devices. Students will be able to read assigned articles and chapters on a range of smart phones and tablets. Course media, include curricular videos and captured lectures, will be available by streaming or download to multiple mobile platforms. The mobile app will come into parity with the browser as a course content delivery platform.

A Campus "YouTube" Media Management System:

By 2014, students and instructors will be able to upload, discover, permission, tag, view, share and mashup campus produced media as easily as can be done via consumer systems today. Video will finally move out of the LMS and the library reserve systems, two platforms never designed for video, and on to media management platforms specifically designed to handle online video. Increasingly, these media management platforms will encompass both browser and mobile device based applications, facilitating the creation, editing, publishing, discovery and presentation of campus media on a range of mobile devices.

Rapid E-Learning Authoring Tools and Publishing Platforms Standard for All Students:

It used to be that most of the PowerPoints created on campus were done by faculty, not students. No longer. In the same way, we will move towards students creating, publishing, and sharing the vast majority of the rich media that circulates on campus. I'm thinking mostly of light weight mashup, editing, and voice-over presentation tools. Just as students today are expected to have productivity software (word processing, presentation creation, spreadsheets etc.), with this software often supplied by campus wide agreements - by 2014 every student will be expected to own and be facile with rapid rich media authoring tools. These rich media authoring tools work best when standardized, when everyone has the same baseline of tools, a fact that will encourage campus licensing for student use.

Where is this wrong? What am I missing?

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