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OK, I don't normally comment on this sort of thing. In fact, I don't normally even think much about this sort of thing. After all, I'm very happily married (in all the meanings of the term "happy").

However, something came across my desk that I can't help but pass along. One of the web services I follow (as do most sustainability folks) is Grist. Good, practical info with a sustainable twist, aimed at the same general demographic that includes Greenback students. Like all instances of social entrepreneurship, Grist is always looking for financial support. But this time . . .

Apparently, there's an "adult products" site called Babeland. And, equally apparently, they want to support Grist. So they're running a promotion. Ten percent of sales made via a specific link get donated. Check it out here. Buy, or don't. Just remember that, after having green sex, you really should green-wash up.


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