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I don't hear it much from the faculty, but for a fair number of staff, one great thing about working for a college or university is commonly phrased along the lines of "well, at least I know they're not going to move my job to . . .[fill in the blank]".

Backboro's in the northeastern USA. The area used to have a fair number of manufacturing jobs, but those are pretty well gone. It used to have a fair number of jobs in financial services of various sorts, but most of those are gone, too. Backboro's employment base is now largely "eds and meds" -- education and health care -- not by design, but by default.

A large portion of our non-faculty employees took jobs at Greenback after the job they first chose left for parts south. Or west. Or on another continent. When I talk to staff on other campuses in the region, I hear pretty much the same story. Universities aren't bad places to work, even if the pay isn't what you used to make. At least you know they're not going to move campus anytime soon.

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