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1. What does it mean that I love watching these Apple keynotes online, but I have zero desire to ever attend one live? (hint: Suspicion of group adulation.)

2. Why do we need all these reporters (and bloggers) covering the Apple Keynote presentations when everyone can just watch the event for themselves?

3. Does the fact that I'm sort of underwhelmed with OS X Lion indicate that I'm jaded or just spoiled? (I'll still upgrade though.)

4. Are there any interesting higher ed apps on the Mac App store? (And how come Apple doesn't talk about them much if they exist?)

5. How many of the 130 million books downloaded in the iBookStore came from higher ed? (None from me….iPad is too heavy to read on.)

6. When is someone going to build an LMS from scratch around the smart phone (iPhone, Android), tablet (iPad, Android etc) and the Web? (The iOS 5 demo is a hint on how quickly the software on this platform is advancing.)

7. Is there some school, camp or cult I can join to learn how to present as well as the Apple guys? (And why is it always guys?)

8. Do the Apple iCloud, the Amazon Cloud, the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud mean that I now have to deal with 4 separate clouds? (depressing.)

9. Will our 2012 freshmen be surprised and dismayed that their coursework and library digital content doesn't automatically end up on all their devices? (Like they are used to with their music and photos and documents with iCloud.)

10. If you were Steve Jobs, and you suddenly decided that your legacy would be to disrupt higher ed in the way that you've disrupted music and mobile phones, what are the top 3 things that you would do? (And would iCloud be part of your answer?)

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