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If clothing makes the man, then cases make the academic technologist.

iPhone: This is the case that I hope launches a movement, or at least a small group of like minded guys. For my new iPhone (Verizon, white), I purchased the Griffin Elan Passport Wallet. The key word to focus on here is "wallet." For the past week I've only carried the Elan. No separate wallet. No separate iPhone case. Sure, I've had to make some compromises. I only carry a drivers license, college ID, credit card, and a single $20 bill. The medical card, AAA card, family photos, various loyalty cards, business cards and old receipts all stay at home in my "travel wallet". Guys - do we really need to carry around all the crap we have in our wallets?

iPad: You've read about the Apple Smart Covers, you've seen them in action, you might even own one. They are cool. Mine is polyurethane and green. Gotta love how the iPad turns on when the cover is opened. The Smart Cover changes the cover game. A new era in cases.

Kindle: If you share a bed with a light sleeper, then the Kindle Lighted Leather Cover is an absolute must! Those Itty Bitty book lights never worked for me (they would fall off, or get broken). Building the light into the cover was brilliant, as this eliminates the need to remember the light, or to clip it on. The light is powered by the Kindle, eliminating battery issues. When not in use, the light slips seamlessly into the cover, taking up no extra space. The cover itself is soft and good looking, with great hand feel.

Forget mobile devices, the real action is with the cases.

What cases are you carrying?

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