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Right up front -- when I moved to Backboro, I pretty much stopped paying attention to professional sports. College sports are pretty much the only game(s) in town. And, of course, the tickets are a whole lot cheaper (at least, on average).

But as a vestigial remnant of an earlier life, I hate the Dallas Cowboys. In fact, one of the phrases that sticks in my memory comes from the back of a T-shirt: "Beat Dallas twice. Lost to everyone else. On the whole, not a bad season."

So while I no longer know (nor care) who their star receiver is, I still hate the Cowboys. In fact, I consider any fan of the arrogantly self-anointed "America's Team" to suffer from a deep-seated personality disorder. It's not prejudice, it's a conclusion based on mountains of unimpeached evidence and considerable expert analysis. No question about it. Full stop.

But then, I learn that the Cowboys are purchasing enough wind-power-derived RECs (renewable energy credits) to power Cowboys Stadium (I almost wrote "Texas Stadium") during their home games this year. Damn them for trying to live up to those white hats they sometimes make their cheerleaders wear!

Clearly, I should be overjoyed that major sports franchises with strong marketing presences are making efforts to be seen as "green". This phenomenon has the potential, over time, subtly to undercut a lot of the disinformation being spread about how climate change is some sort of elitist conspiracy. After all, even NASCAR is greenwashing itself. So maybe this isn't the time to get picky about the environmental logic of dozens of overpowered cars burning fossil fuels to go nowhere at all as fast as possible, nor of the sport's Scope 3 emissions in the form of attendee miles driven and more aggressive social driving manner. Maybe this is just the time to sit back and let the subliminal message ('my team and my favorite driver are doing things to help the environment, maybe I can too') percolate into the public consciousness.

But, of all teams, why did it have to be Dallas?

;~ {

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