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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has been part of my daily brain sustenance for more than 5 years. Most sites that produce content on a regular basis provide RSS feeds for their readers. The ubiquitous RSS orange logo ( RSS Logo ) provides a gateway to a nearly endless stream of information.

Using a feed reader (Google Reader is extremely popular), RSS feed data is literally "fed" to you, the reader. I subscribe to more than 400 RSS feeds. It sounds a little intimidating if you've never dabbled with RSS. Have no fear. Each feed subscription only shows up in your reader if it has new content. Typically, my feeds in Google Reader churn out about 50 to 100 new post items per day. If I miss a couple of days of reading, I tend to just "mark all as read" (a pseudo-RSS-form of declaring bankruptcy). It reminds me of when I would subscribe to a newspaper. Some days, I wouldn't have time to read everything...and that was okay.

RSS literally feeds my interests. And, I am interested in a variety of topics. My feeds are grouped by self-labeled categories that I've been modifying and curating for quite some time. A theme that I've been noticing in Student Affairs is that we tend to share a lot of the same sites/resources with one another. These are great resources/sites for sure, but I'd like to share a few sites that pop up in my RSS reader that fall well outside of the usual information silos of Student Affairs:

What are you reading? Which sites have RSS feeds that feed your brain?



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