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Standard Campus EdTech Project Model

Emerging Campus EdTech Project Model

Projects should follow allocation of resources. Resources will often follow the initiation of projects.
High cost of project failure. High cost of not failing enough.
A bias towards risk avoidance. A bias towards speed.
Risk of staff burnout supporting too many projects. Risk of staff burnout if too few opportunities of for innovation and creativity.
Risk of supporting too many campus platforms. Risk of stagnating around too few campus platforms.
People working on the project know the most about its critical path, risks, and possible outcomes. People working outside of your institution, who have already been down the project path, possess the most crucial information.
Project teams should be made up of campus experts. Project teams should be made up of campus stakeholders.
Project documentations should be complete and written by technical/project experts. Project documentation should be iterative, constantly being revised, and be able to be authored and edited by all project stakeholders.
Project results should be shared with other institutions at conferences following completion. Project status should be publicly shared with everyone on an ongoing basis through the web and social media.


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