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What’s New at UVenus:

●        A couple of shout-outs for University of Venus in this month’s Teaching Carnival at ProfHacker:  At the University of Venus, contributing writers compiled their ideal student in “Dreaming of the Ideal Student” and Afshan Jafar, at the University of Venus, helps us find “The Missing Link in Teaching.”


What’s New With Our Writers:

●        Shout out to Lee Skallerup Bessette in this month’s Teaching Carnival at ProfHacker: Lee Skallerup at College Ready Writing explores the connection between teaching and parenting in, “Lessons of Parenthood.”

●        Mary Churchill worked with a group of neighbors and concerned stakeholders to launch the Dudley Square Education District Committee in Boston.

●        Deanna England is contributing to a book on series, serials and sequels in children’s texts as writer and editor.

●        Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe attended "Why Men (Don't) Study Abroad -- and How to Reach Them"  by Jim Lucas, Michigan State University and gave a TedX-style presentation at Shepard Residential College: “Religion or Race? Pick Your Prejudice.”


Our Writers At Other Blogs:

●        Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe went Into the Closet then watched others struggle to cut the Gordian knot of American prejudice.

●        Melonie Fullick dishes up higher ed new tidbits from December and January.


Coming Up:

●        Rosalie Arcala Hall was chosen leader of the Asian Public Intellectual Regional Project Assessment Team. The group is tasked to supervise a contractor which will conduct of an assessment of the 3-year project from January-June 2012. She will present the  evaluation results at a workshop during the margins of the Regional Project Culminating Event in Bangkok, Thailand on 12-16 June 2012.

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