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Google releases innovative ideas and projects seemingly on a daily basis. With their commitment to creativity (and not being evil), Google supplies a steady stream of new tech. Recently, I came across a couple of Google projects that caught my eye.

A Screen Reader for Your Browser

ChromeVox is a screen reader that runs within Google's Chrome browser. A Chrome extension, ChromeVox will not currently replace a screen reader like JAWS, but it will provide screen reader functionality for web-based apps. Google has been consistently criticized (and evaluated) for not providing accessible web apps. ChromeVox is a step in the right direction for Google. For web developers who do not have access to a screen reader like JAWS, ChromeVox will enable them to do some usability testing.

High Tech Eyeglasses for the Win

When I first heard that Google was working on a high-tech pair of glasses, I must say I was a bit skeptical. The technology seemed better suited to something written by Philip K. Dick. Yes, my science fiction "fanboyness" was activated, but were we really ready for "Project Glass?"

Well, it turns out that Google is forging ahead with Project Glass. With the release of a new video titled "One day…," Google has whetted our appetites. Framed as "what it might enable" us to do, Google's glasses represent a curiosity.


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