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During my time at Churm's House, I would occasionally feature brief interviews/profiles of people that I call "Adjunct Heroes," college instructors working off the tenure track, who nonetheless provide outstanding teaching, service, research, and publishing.

There's a lot of talk about the "problem" of adjuncts, in the big picture, "look at how many of them there are!" sense. I hear criticisms of adjuncts that suggest they are somehow (because of any number of factors) deserving of their status.

There are inspiring stories of people who have pulled themselves on to the tenure track, which suggests it can happen for anyone with the appropriate amounts of pluck and guile.

I don't believe this to be true. I believe that we live in a system where we have created a permanent academic underclass, and I'd like to present some of those people as individuals, rather than a collective "problem."

If you'd like to read about previous adjunct heroes, you can do so at these links:

Melissa Bruninga-Matteau

Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum

Justin Myer Staller

Keverlee Burchett

Russell Hein

If you know an Adjunct Hero, please send their name and contact information to





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