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Jafar Setiawan/istock/getty images plus

It somehow makes me happy

That I’m not the only one who

Has trouble with cause and effect.


I have no idea why my right knee

Sometimes goes weak, except

That I’m 65 and pigeon-toed.


I suspect there’s more to it.

And when I took the dogs out

Tonight for their pee before bed,


I saw why it was a mistake

For the birds to build their nests

In the apartment exhaust vents.


Every year, there’s a new crisis

On campus. Not long ago, we had

To take active-shooter training.


Then later, we learned about

The precipitous rise in student

Anxiety, depression, and panic.


This year, we had the choice

To teach through masks or screens,

If students showed up at all.


When the fledglings were nudged

Out of the nest, two landed hard

On the concrete headfirst.


It doesn’t always happen like this.

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