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The Posse Foundation is known for sending groups of low-income students (a posse) to top colleges. The program has had notable success.

Last week, Posse announced an expansion -- first with one college and later with five -- into the arts.

Posse Arts, in collaboration with the Miranda Family Fund (as in Lin-Manuel Miranda), will send a posse of students -- with full scholarships -- to the California Institute of the Arts next year. But after that, the foundation plans to recruit five arts-oriented colleges to host posses.

At capacity, the program will support 250 Arts Posse Scholars annually, providing more than $10 million in full-tuition scholarships each year.

“I wish I’d had an Arts Posse when I was looking at colleges,” said a statement from Miranda, the Pulitzer Prize, Grammy, Emmy and Tony award winner. “Much of my career has been about challenging and expanding notions of who belongs and who gets to lead. For 30-plus years, Posse has been doing the exact same thing in higher education.”

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