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On my campus, we’ve seen a major decline in criminal justice enrollments over the last couple of years. The department attributes it to a shift in attitudes since George Floyd’s murder.

Are other community colleges seeing that? I’m curious whether it’s a local/regional phenomenon or if it’s broader than that.

While we’re at it, does anyone know why college ends in May and high school ends in June?

The Girl has started the battery of exams in her IB program. The first two days were the history section, which is her favorite by far.

In retrospect, the fact that I bond with my daughter over Cold War history seems almost inevitable. (“Dean Acheson!” “I know, right?”)

Apparently, in a study group with her classmates, she got frustrated with the seeming lack of progress. So she got up, walked to the board and started sketching out a couple of arguments. One of her classmates asked, in all apparent seriousness, if she was going to be a history professor.

Reader, I’ll admit some paternal pride in that moment.

That said, I wasn’t emotionally prepared for a question she asked the day after the Supreme Court leak:

“Will abortion still be legal in Maryland?”

After a beat, I told her it would.

I never thought I’d have to answer that question from my teenage daughter.

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