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  • Charles Abasa-Nyarko, executive planner and project manager at Baltimore City Community College, in Maryland, has been chosen as vice president for instruction at Central Oregon Community College.
  • Katherine Bergeron, dean of the college at Brown University, in Rhode Island, has been selected as president of Connecticut College.
  • Charles McAdams, dean of Northwest Missouri State University's College of Arts & Sciences, has been appointed as provost and vice oresident for academic affairs at Delta State University.
  • Pete McDonald, acting president of Georgia Northwestern Technical College, has been promoted to the job on a permanent basis.
  • David Phoenix, deputy vice chancellor at the University of Central Lancashire, in Britain, has been named vice chancellor designate at London South Bank University, also in Britain.
  • Samuel Sullivan, interim provost and vice president of academic affairs at Paine College, in Georgia, has been appointed to the positions on a permanent basis.

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