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The following colleges and universities have announced their commencement speakers for spring 2015:
- Catholic University of America: Mary Higgins Clark, the author.
- Chatham University: Sally Jewell, U.S. secretary of the interior.
- Empire State College of the State University of New York: Brian A. Gallagher, United Way president and CEO.
- Holy Names University: Marvin J. Lopez, head of Atipica University; and Miguel Bustos, senior vice president and regional director at Wells Fargo Bank.
- Occidental College: Jeh Johnson, U.S. secretary of homeland security.
- Philadelphia University: William R. Sasso, chair of Stradley Ronon law firm; and Jon Reichlin, chair of Nathan Sports.
- Scott Community College: Kim Reynolds, lieutenant governor of Iowa.
- Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine: Regina M. Benjamin, former U.S. surgeon general.
- University of Maryland University College: Ike Leggett, Montgomery County executive; U.S. Representative Donna Edwards; U.S. Senator Benjamin Cardin.
- Washington & Jefferson College: Howard Fineman, global editorial director of the AOL Huffington Post Media Group.
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