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Clarkson University

  • Bebonchu Atems, economics and financial studies
  • Jennifer Knack, psychology
  • Damien Samways, biology
  • Weiming Wu, civil and environmental engineering
  • Phillip Yuya, mechanical and aeronautical engineering

Colorado College

  • Helen Daly, philosophy
  • Scott Krzych, film and media studies
  • Christina Leza, anthropology
  • Corina McKendry, political science
  • Habiba Vaghoo, chemistry and biochemistry
  • Dana Wolfe, political science
  • Naomi Wood, Spanish and Portuguese

Philadelphia University

  • Stacey Van Dahm, writing
  • Reza Masoodi, engineering
  • Raju Parakkal, international relations

St. Norbert College

  • Seth Meyer, mathematics
  • Marc Schaffer, economics
  • Jamie O’Brien, business administration
  • Alexa Trumpy, sociology

Suffolk University

  • Michael Suvak, psychology

Wheaton College (Illinois)

  • James E. Beitler, English
  • Marc A. Cortez, theology
  • Edward B. Davis, psychology
  • Winnie Fung, economics
  • David M. Gordon, music
  • Susan L. Greener, intercultural studies
  • Mark E. Jonas, education
  • Min-Dong Paul Lee, business
  • Amy L. Peeler, New Testament
  • Amy M. Reynolds, sociology
  • Sandra Y. Rueger, psychology
  • Heather M. Whitney, physics
  • Laura S. Meitzner Yoder, environmental studies

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