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  • Glynis Fitzgerald, associate vice president of academic affairs and dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Central Connecticut State University, has been chosen as provost at Alvernia University, in Pennsylvania.
  • Robert W. Iuliano, senior vice president and general counsel at Harvard University, in Massachusetts, has been selected as president of Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania.
  • Thomas C. Katsouleas, executive vice president and provost of the University of Virginia, has been appointed president of the University of Connecticut.
  • Andrew Kuchins, senior fellow and research professor at the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C., has been chosen as president of the American University of Central Asia, in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Paul Mazerolle, pro vice chancellor of arts, education and law at Griffith University, in Australia, has been appointed president and vice chancellor at the University of New Brunswick, in Canada.
  • Joseph E. Nyre, president of Iona College, in New York, has been named president of Seton Hall University, in New Jersey.
  • Kathy Schwaig, Dinos Eminent Scholar Chair of Entrepreneurial Management and dean of the Michael J. Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University, in Georgia, has been selected as provost and vice president for academic affairs there.
  • Erik Weissberg, director of clinical education at New England College of Optometry, has been promoted to vice president and dean of academic affairs there.

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