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  • Tracey Abell, chief operating officer at the American College of Healthcare Sciences, has been promoted to president there.
  • Lesley Brown, provost and vice president, academic, at Mount Royal University, in Alberta, has been chosen as president of Yukon University, also in Canada.
  • Michael S. Carr, deputy provost at National Louis University, in Illinois, has been appointed provost and chief academic officer at North Park University, also in Illinois.
  • James W. Crawford III, interim president of Felician University, in New Jersey, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.
  • Jan E. Duncan, former education dean at Jarvis Christian College, in Texas, has been chosen as vice president for academic affairs at Texas College.
  • Star Rivera-Lacey, vice president of student services at the San Diego College of Continuing Education, in California, has been appointed superintendent/president of the Palomar Community College District, also in California.
  • Mark Rubinstein, president of Granite State College, in New Hampshire, has been selected as chancellor of the Community College System of New Hampshire.
  • Daniel J. Scholz, interim president of Cardinal Stritch University, in Wisconsin, has been appointed to the job on a permanent basis.

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