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Dear editors:

Regarding Madeline St. Amour's article ("Chegg's Directory of Online Programs at Community Colleges") on Chegg's efforts to create an online directory of community college programs, I feel I must weigh in.

I am a community college professor. Until yesterday, I was unaware of Chegg's existence. Unfortunately I became aware when it was brought to my attention by a student in my American History course that someone had uploaded my final exam essay questions to this website. For the $14.95 monthly fee, subscribers could find the exam questions as well as access answers to these questions from "experts" (their identity is unclear and students who seem to have used this site in fact had co-opted what turned out to be incorrect answers).

I have submitted a claim of intellectual property copyright infringement through Chegg, and am hopeful that this material will be removed from their site soon. I thought that you should know, however, that despite whatever goals Chegg claims to espouse, it appears to be at least partly in the business of perpetuating plagiarism and academic fraud.


Justin Turner