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The American Association of University Professors has issued a statement saying that it is "deeply troubled" by a recent incident in which New York University Professor Andrew Ross was denied entry to the United Arab Emirates. 

Saying that Ross's experience "raises considerable doubt" about N.Y.U.'s claims of academic freedom protections at its campus in Abu Dhabi, the A.A.U.P. is urging the N.Y.U. administration "to make every effort to get the ban on Professor Ross lifted and, should such efforts fail, to work with its faculty to reconsider its role in the emirate.”

Ross, a professor of social and cultural analysis and president of N.Y.U.’s A.A.U.P. chapter, has been a vocal critic of the U.A.E.’s policies on migrant labor. He was denied permission to board an Abu Dhabi-bound plane on Saturday.